Is Facebook Counting days to shutdown?
There was a big thread to the youngsters of many countries; Business professionals and loss of interaction with friends; it’s the social network website Facebook.Many people frustrated about the rumors and the question regarding facebook shut down on 15 March 2011.
“It’s not that shutting down meaning dropping the server globally; we have to look in other dimensions” which leads to business and environmental crises of facebook; Investors targets and strength’s may drop down; said Ms.Laurry.
Some websites addressing that the Facebook founder Mr. Mark Zuckerberg is under stress and cannot able to concentrate on other works; so, he planned to shutdown the facebook, as many rumor is roaming around the world; Here some sites encrypted that Facebook will be charged in dollars per month and it is enforced by coming march .Mr.Zuckerberg is strongly negotiating the rumors “I am regular and new updates are on the flow; Our focus is to make the Facebook users count”.
Facebook is one of the popular social networking website in the planet started on 4th September 2004 succeeding economically and as informative interactive medium grossing revenue of $800 in 2009 and the totally worth is $50 billion has its headquarters at Cambridge Massachusetts.
Mr. Mark zuckerberg the American computer scientist was born May 14, 1984 is the youngest billionaire in this world and “possibly the youngest self-made billionaire ever” according to Forbes. His autobiography was made out as a movie named “Social Network” directed by David fincher the Oscars Best Director.
As, the Facebook members are counting one side the other side is filled with vast information day by day ;the older post is advantage for the fans .Whatever may be the question and rumor; Facebook stands as an social reorganization in this planet with more than 600 million users.
Lingaraja Sivanaiah
Labels: facebook Mark zuckerberg 1984 worlds youngest billionaire shut-down 2011 march 15