Thread for the couples

Thread for the couples
From morning there is been a large number of bikes flying in Chennai with their girl and a boy friend on valentine’s day February 14.”If people celebrate valentine day then we will definitely attack them “said Gangadhar kulkarni; the romantic day will get spoiled by Hindu militants who thinks India consists only of Hindus with these traditional feeling.
We celebrate Valentine’s Day and we doesn't care about the history of the’s a dramatic day for every youth and it’s really important to know about this day that could keep the story as history. Saint Valentine’s Day was originated from Rome is globally celebrated as Valentine’s Day on February 14 of every year. Since AD 269 lovers celebrate valentine day by sharing flowers, sweets, jewels .The history claims to be unknown as many say ...Claudius had came to believe that single soldier was better than a married young man and so decided to outlaw marriage in order to have plenty young strongmen with no wives at his disposal. Valentine; the priest did not obey the outlaw and continued to celebrate the holy bond of marriage for young couples .The way always works with secret clauses; he was caught and sentenced to death.
The story routinely pays other dimensions which reveal that the valentine was a man in a prison and the prisoner’s daughter comes to visit him often; at least he dies by leaving a love letter in the prison; although people say many stories; it remains as a myth.
”Love is a feeling; only a romantic person can attain” quotes Ms.Mithra the student of Anna university madras. Intercultural marriages are rapidly spreads in a developing country like India with few threads as some gangs of Hindu militants protest against celebrating valentine day but the day cannot be banned since its romantic by nature. In India, this western adopted culture and the valentine’s exchange gifts on this special occasion in order to express romance, love, affection and celebrated with joy by dating, sharing cards in party celebrations.
“It’s totally nothing to do especially on valentine day instead of having love in all days” said the humble home maker Keerthana from avadi. The inbuilt unexpressed love retains the harmony in life; there is a lot of love unsaid. Basically; the youngsters –one sided Romeo’s were keen to express love on this occasion with smart look and neat dress; the world expects the day that could fulfill their desire and set valentine’s in joy….
lingaraja Sivanaiah
Labels: couples love february 14 2011 romance elite affection
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